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I have been more than 12 years in digital marketing industries, and have help more than 240 companies to grow their business.

Our Services

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1on1 coaching

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Team Coaching

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What People Say

Here are the words of some customers of mine:

With his sales skills and especially his competence within social selling, it was no doubt we turned to Theo to get help with our LinkedIn presence. After just a week we got our first inbound lead, and the keep coming.
With a warm and tailored approach, Theo has helped us understand how we create spread and commitment through our marketing. We were left with extremely concrete tools, many "aha"-experiences, and an increased interest in marketing. I would like to warmly recommend Theo to companies and individuals who want to develop their LinkedIn!
Theo has been a great support in the development of our Sales Process and aligning it with our Sales Cycle. His experience from the many aspects of sales has helped EdChild to form a solid approach by guiding us through Sales Strategy to Hands-On Cold Calling.